Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629

                                                                                             Gloria Chen                        

                                                                                                                                                                                        Photography and Writings

        “ If thou of fortune be bereft,
          And in thy store there be but left
         Two loaves — sell one,
         And with the dole
         Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul. ”

Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629



           Phone:  646-573-1629

Gloria Chen is a Social & Cultural Analysis and International Relations student with a passion for storytelling across mediums. From childhood sketches to an evolving portfolio of photography, creative writings, and poetry, she navigates the intersection of visual and written narratives with curiosity and depth.

With a keen eye for composition and atmosphere, Gloria captures fleeting moments through her lens and distills emotions into words. Whether through film critique, personal essays, or experimental poetry, she crafts work that lingers—bridging introspection with a broader cultural lens. For her, storytelling is not just an art but a way of seeing, understanding, and reimagining the world.



Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629



                                                      Still Photography                                                                                                                                   Portrait Photography


Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629



Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629


Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629




Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629



To my world.


Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629

                                 Here are some of my personal poetry works, primarily centered around the

exploration of personal growth, reflections on changes in my emotional life,

and a few pieces that address social issues, such as gender topics,

with calls for awareness and hope.

Special thanks to Chloe Zhong for her support in this section.

Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629

A piece of freewriting

Train running backward, twenty more minutes till the next stop

Blocks of buildings. Tree and water

Running, running, running –

Toward the opposite

The other side of me

Suddenly, a bit lost

About the ginger yellow light, car 6283,

And three bottles of American beer.

Then the sun started setting

Outside the window

“we fell in love”

From the headphone,

“My girl”

And July

The last time I listened to this song---in summer,

I was pondering.

Something ineffable flooded in,

My world.

Crowds revolving around me

Light and shadow


Our fall—

I sat with her, happy hands interlocked. Watching everything around us

Water, trees, buildings

Beacon, New York, Daisies.


Rewinding, of everything,

Except us.


To my world.

Gloria Chen                                                   → 646-573-1629

One day, I woke up by the dark night

The soft, glowing moonlight lay bare

Shortness of breath

Spirit in surplus


She’s struggling,

So alluring