Gloria Chen→ 646-573-1629
A piece of freewriting
Train running backward, twenty more minutes till the next stop
Blocks of buildings. Tree and water
Running, running, running –
Toward the opposite
The other side of me
Suddenly, a bit lost
About the ginger yellow light, car 6283,
And three bottles of American beer.
Then the sun started setting
Outside the window
“we fell in love”
From the headphone,
“My girl”
And July
The last time I listened to this song---in summer,
I was pondering.
Something ineffable flooded in,
My world.
Crowds revolving around me
Light and shadow
Our fall—
I sat with her, happy hands interlocked. Watching everything around us
Water, trees, buildings
Beacon, New York, Daisies.
Rewinding, of everything,
Except us.
To my world.